Cards, Posters, Calendars > Fine Art Posters

Trump, True Colors, Stand Up, Political Art,
Color Me A President
Poster Print
11" x 17"

"WANTED: True Colors" ~ Jan 16 at 10:36am Patreon Post for Patrons
"Color me a President. I challenge you to tell me something positive. ...In the interest of my personal need for Faith (of-the-open-eyed-varitey) in our Population, as well as, our Leader;

IF you have read, heard, watched, or witnessed stories or actions from a reliable, legitimate source which demonstrate instances in which Donald J. Trump has taken action-POSITIVE action- on behalf of a person or cause which in no way resulted in profit or benefit to himself or his “company” would you be so kind as to comment below with information to guide me to such a source. I could use a good dose of a reason to believe we will be okay with him leading the way.

If it's out there; show me something that indicates this is an American Citizen capable of credibly representing Our Nation in the world as he objectively rules with respect for those he has pledged to serve. For becoming our leader means not only does he serve those who voted for him but, he must also live in service of those who did not.

Are HIS the TRUE colors of Our Nation? "

ORIGINAL POST with FREE PYO version of this art.